Why you should SHOP YOUR WARDROBE.

My tips are featured in New Idea and Who Magazine.

There are so many benefits to “Shopping your Wardrobe”. See my top 5 reasons below.

Top 5 reasons to shop your wardrobe

To truly Shop your Wardrobe, you need to understand what is in it!! The first step is to edit your wardrobe. When you edit your wardrobe down to only what you love and wear, panic and impulse buying will cease! Additionally you can make money from the clothes you have edited out using multiple resale platforms, pre loved stores, charities and markets.

1 Save Money. Sell the clothes you edit on one of the many resell platforms, pre loved stores, market stalls or donate to charities.

2 Define your style. Take a break from shopping. Edit the clothes you are not wearing, restyle what you have and note your missing pieces. This will force you to love and appreciate the current contents of your wardrobe and help you understand what makes you feel good.

3. Dressing becomes easy. Trust me, getting dressed in the mornings will be a breeze when your wardrobe is organised with all the things you enjoy wearing. Say goodbye to overwhelm or wearing the same outfit off the back of your bedroom chair.

4. Become more sustainable. Once you’ve shopped from your wardrobe, you will be armed with a considered list of what is missing.This means you’ll shop with intention rather than panic. With more considered choices comes a more environmentally friendly way to shop, saving the amount that will go into landfill and reducing your personal footprint.

5. Increase your confidence. Once edited, you will have a wardrobe full of items you ultimately feel good in and suits your bodyshape and lifestyle - no longer following all trends and trrying to make them work for you.

So clear your calendar one weekend, pour a wine and have a date with your wardrobe! Or book in an edit and style session with The Styled Wardrobe and I will do it from you x


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