Wardrobe Transformation

Transform your wardrobe, define & elevate your personal style


Ready to truly transform your wardrobe, define & elevate your personal style, and shop the missing pieces to create a fabulous capusle wardrobe.

If you want to take it to the next level the Styled Wardrobe Transformation is the package for you.


TSW can help you make some exciting changes to your wardrobe by creating new outfits using a mix of your existing clothes & shop for some fabulous new & complimentary pieces to take your style to the next level.

Your Wardrobe will be transofmred to a beautifully organised and edited space for easy dressing.


The Wardrobe Edit & Style is a pre-requisite to any Transformation package, & a very important step to understand what we are working with, your style & the gaps in your wardrobe.

In the Makeover, we will start to form an idea of what your personal style is & where you want to take it. We will create a targeted shopping list of pieces that we have identified are missing in your wardrobe, to truly define & elevate your style.


After your Style & Edit, we will transform your wardrobe to a beautifully organised and edited space. Leave it to us to put all your clothes back on beautiful slimline flocked hangers, organised in sections that suit your lifestyle. We will add in suitable storage items including baskets, draw dividers to compliment your space.

Allow from 2 hours for this transformation plus products.

The Personal Shopping Session. Tailored to the targeted shopping list we agreed up, we will book in your Personal shopping session. In order to make the shopping experience stress free & maximise the time we have, this will include 1 hours work, ahead of the day, where I will pre select the shops & clothes that fit our brief.

Meet at the agreed shopping centre, where I will take you to each shop, try on the items & start to tick off our list.


To accommodate the busy lives we lead, we offer a shopping alternative where we will research all the items on you list and send you 2 or more links to each item including suggested sizes; so you can shop online in the ease of your home. The package includes style consultation once the items have arrived.

During the shopping session, I will show you how these additional clothes will work with your current clothes. How to mix & match & ease the new pieces, you purchase, effortlessly into your wardrobe together with indivualised styling tips to elevate each outfit. This will be accommodated in Option 2 by video.

At the end of the session, you will feel empowered with a strong sense of your style, how to dress for your body & how to shop going forward & what to avoid! Your wardrobe will be considered, functional & stylish powered with the knowledge of how to create outfits every day with ease.

Please note The Edit & the Shopping Session will be held on different days. We recommend 2- 3 weeks apart.


  • 15- 30 min phone consultation and pre consult questionnaire

  • 3 hours for Wardrobe Edit & Style

  • Onsite Style discussion, body shape & colour analysis

  • Indivdualised styling tips & seasonal trends insight

  • Photos to all the outfits we style together

  • Customised shopping list of clothes to complete your wardrobe

  • 2 hours Wardrobe Organisation plus products

  • 3 hours in store/online shopping and styling experience