The Styled Wardrobe

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Top Tips on how to edit your wardrobe

Wardrobe De-clutter, Edit, Re-Organise. Who has the time?

We all put off editing our wardrobes as it does take time and energy, but I promise you it is well worth it. It can save you time and money long term, create space in your home and your head. You will be able to see your clothes more clearly, what suits you, what you haven’t worn and ultimately create a wardrobe that truly works for you and your lifestyle today. See your wardrobe as prime time real estate, the goal is to have only the clothes that truly deserve to be front and centre. The clothes that you love, wear and feel good in. Not a wardrobe full of items that are filling a space for no reason.

When you are ready, plan a full day if you can, or divide your wardrobe into sections to reduce the overwhelm and tackle each section on a given day.

Remember to simplify the process, you are editing for who you are now, not what you have been or aspire to be. That will come.

A wardrobe edit is a strategic process, item by item so Sort through your clothes, asking yourself the following questions. If you answer yes to any of them, it is time to let that piece of clothing go. Either donate to friends, charity or to sell.

Top 10 easy editing tips 

  1. Is the garmet the right shape but the wrong colour?

  2. Is the garment the right colour but the wrong shape?

  3. Do you have any skirts or dresses with a hemline that is just too short? Try the sit-down test

  4. Do any of your clothes have fabrics that are itchy or uncomfortable to wear?

  5. Check Jackets and blazers that are too small for your frame, they need to go

  6. Clothes that no longer fit. Take the emotion out of your wardrobe

  7. If you have any sentimental items that you don’t wear - place them in a box for safekeeping

  8. Garments with the tags still on, time to sell it, if you haven’t worn it, you won’t wear it.

  9. Multiples of the same item. Tshirts, Jeans and long sleeve tops are the main culprits!

  10. Garments that have had their day, have holes, severe piling or misshaped from washing

For more Wardrobe Editing, Outfit Styling and Wardrobe Organising, get in touch


Wardrobe Editor, Personal Stylist